Motorcycle Accidents and the Most Common Types of Injuries

Motorcycle Accidents and the Most Common Types of Injuries

You’ve probably noticed an increase in motorcycle traffic in Houston this week. This weekend is the 2024 Lone Star Rally which takes place south of Houston in Galveston, where anywhere from 350,000 to 500,000 people are expected to attend. Due to our almost year-round warm weather, Texas has tens of thousands of registered motorcyclists.

Unfortunately we lead the country in motorcycle accidents. There were 7,481 crashes involving motorcycles in 2020 according to the Texas Department of Transportation, with 482 being fatal accidents. This number has only risen since then.

Riders are more susceptible to certain injuries or fatalities

Due to the exposed nature of riding a motorcycle and the lack of protection, motorcyclists are susceptible to fatal accidents and/or life changing injuries. Below you will see a few examples of these injuries.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

A brain injury can have serious and long-term effects. They can range from “milder” forms of brain injury such as a concussion or more severe brain injuries with long term and severe consequences. Motorcyclists can reduce the risk of brain injuries by wearing a properly fitted safety helmet. Helmets by Texas law are not required for riders over 21 years of age, but they can sure save a life.

Crush Injuries

The average motorcycle can weigh from 700 to 1000 pounds (or even more), versus a passenger car weighs on average about 4,100 pounds. It’s not uncommon for a rider to be pinned underneath their own motorcycle, be ejected from it on impact, or end up under another vehicle on the road.

Being crushed by either vehicle can cause organ damage, internal bleeding, and many other serious injuries.

Broken Bones

Due to being ejected after a crash, it’s not uncommon for riders to end up with broken bones or other fractures. Sometimes these severe injuries can happen when a rider collides with another vehicle or other stationary object or infrastructure.

Road Rash

Road Rash, as minor as it sounds can actually be quite severe, even with the proper safety equipment and clothing. Road Rash is an abrasion caused by friction and can be severe enough to be qualified as a burn injury. It occurs when a rider is dragged across a roadway. The Road Rash burn can be great enough to require a skin graft in some cases.

How can I stay safe and reduce my risk of being involved in a motorcycle accident?

  • Always wear full protective gear including a helmet. It may not stop an accident from happening, but it will certainly reduce the risk of injury.
  • Brush up on your safety course training, many motorcyclists only take the one initial safety course, it doesn’t hurt to brush up on additional safety training.
  • Ensure your motorcycle is properly maintained and protected from mechanical failure that could cause a wreck.
  • Drive appropriately for all weather and traffic conditions. Be hypervigilant of changes in traffic patterns and be mindful of inclement weather that can increase your chance of getting into an accident.

Hire The Right Accident Attorneys

The attorneys at the Kishinevsky Law Firm PLLC are here to help. If you or a loved one is involved in a motorcycle accident, you deserve to be paid the full amount of compensation for your injuries. Call our office at 832-LAW-1111 for a free consultation.